ETF #20 – Eleven Reasons NOT to Move to Tampa

I’ve lived in the Tampa Bay area for a year now and I think it’s an awesome place. I’m really happy that I moved here. However, just as anywhere does, it has it’s flaws. Although they may not be a deal breaker for me, they definitely could be for someone else. So, in the interest of giving anyone thinking about moving here a well rounded opinion, today we are going to cover my top eleven reasons why someone should NOT move to the Tampa Bay area.

ETF #17 – Tampa Talk: Busch Gardens, Disk Golf Update, Moving to Florida, Drum Circles, and more…

Pam is joining me on the show today for a discussion about several things. We discuss our first trip to Busch Gardens, Tampa, an important disk golf update, her move to Florida, drum circles, and a lot of other really fun topics.

Also included: Crying while stalking Steven King, Don’t molest the alligators, Don’t tangle with a hyena, Roller coasters that make you feel old, Woodstock in Tampa, Crazy drivers driving up insurance, and much more.

ETF #10 – Connie and Gerson, on Moving to Florida and Sarasota Beaches

Today we will talk with previous “Kauai Podcast” guests Connie and Gerson, about their move from Indiana to the Sarasota area, and why they ended up here over Hawaii. We will then spend the bulk of the show discussing several of their favorite places around Sarasota.

Also included: Best, little-known beaches in Sarasota, the WHITEST beach, or just the WIDEST, the Sarasota 20, searching for magical places, stalking celebrities, and amazing beachfront restaurants.